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Old April 12th 04, 04:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Stolen Tower and Antenna - Las Vegas, NV - April 10, 2004

Stolen from 100 Ironwood Drive in Las Vegas, Nevada sometime between
April 10 and April 11, 2004:

Two sections Rohn 25G Tower
One Rohn 25G Top section
One Rohn Roof/Eve Mount

One Hy-Gain TH7-DX 10/15/20 Triband HF Beam

One Ham-IV Rotor

Two homemade sloper antennas

One 440MHz business band Yagi

All of this equipment was formerly owned by Alan Foster, KB7UI and
disassembled and purchased by Jason Creager, KC0ERG, before Al moved
to Yuma, Arizona this weekend.

There are several items missing from the complete package, so if you
hear of anything being "parted out" and think "That's odd. Why is THAT
missing?" please contact me as I can identify all of the stolen items
.. If you know the whereabouts of this antenna, please contact me at:

I'm really hoping that this was an honest mistake and that someone
picked up the gear from the hiding spot at the house to keep it from
being accidentally thrown away.

Please forward this message (in a nonannoying method :-) to any mail
reflectors for ham organizations in the Western United States.

Thanks very much,