opinion about MAR mimic
I've read an article by IK4AUY from QEX Mar/Apr 2003 about Front-End
(standalone). He used very nice push-pull preamplifire in it (to
compensate insertion loss) - but i wanted to be smarter ;-)
And the question should be:
"If **I have decided to use RF preamplifire** CAN I use MMIC or should I
use more "conventional" solution. ;-)
OK, in that case, the answer is NO. They haven't made an MMIC with the
characteristics of IK4AUY's preamp. Not even in the same zip code as the
characteristics of his pre-amp.
Let me re-phrase that Mac, there's not an MAR that will match the
performance of the IK4 amplifier. RF Microdevices however, makes an RF2317
linear CATV Amplifier that if you operated two in push pull would probably
make it. You'd wind up with under a 5 dB noise figure, 15 dB of gain and an
IIP3 of +35 dBm. (Output Ip3 +50 dBm!)
The power requirements are not insignificant, a single one requires 9 Volts
at 175 mA. a pair, 350 mA.