NEWS FLASH - I can count MANY who are NOT hams - who OWN ham gear - MODED to
go UP OR DOWN to do their free banding.
CBers - aren't **** poor - that they can't afford Ham gear to play with. I
know at least a dozen right in my own area - NEVER been hams - have Yaesus
and so on - IN the free band area.
"Jeff" wrote in message
Many of the so-called 'Freebanders' are actually hams dialing down to
11-meters to talk skip with non-hams. I mean, CB'ers generally don't run a
Kenwood 2000, Heil Goldline mic, Baringer audio equipment, and an
Ameritron amp into a 3-element steppIR beam. Gotta love them 'Mars/Cap' or
'60-meter' radio mods!
"Henry Kolesnik" wrote in message
.. .
Want a big surprise, listen around 27.440 MHz LSB for what they call
Check on and you'll see they have
the band channelized. I tripped on a QSO that sounded quite civil and
after listening for a while I never heard any IDS so I Googled the freq
and what I found amazed me.
I think they've expanded CB and are taking over. I occasionally hear
truckers bootlegging on Ten meters and my guess is the FCC in pretty much
in a budget bind because the problem is too big.
"Caveat Lector" wrote in message
"Jeff" wrote in message
My post was more tounge-in-cheek, but I do remember alot of OM's were
complaining about 'no-code techs' invading 'their' territory. Many had
threatened to get out of ham radio all together and either sell or give
away their gear if techs ever got HF privledges without learning code.
My post was just a friendly reminder that it's inevitable (effective
12:01 am EST Feb. 23, 2007) and they need to hurry-up and unload their
gear as promised. Many of us are looking for a bargain or two. 
I suspected the tongue in cheek post but for those who didn't spot that
I thought I'd add my two cents worth (or worthless).
I really get tired of all the Ham Bashing that goes on the RR NG's and
the elitest posts
"Caveat Lector" wrote in message
"Jeff" wrote in message
... only have a few hours left before the Techs invade
10-meters! Remember, you said you were going to sell all of your gear
and get out of the hobby if CW was ever removed from the test(s)
because ham radio will be the same as CB.
Hurry, sell/give away your stuff NOW !!!!
I for one welcome the Techs to 10M. You are probably too young to
that Amateurs once had 11M (now the CB Band) -- some say we lost it
we didn't use it.
The same thing could happen if we don't use 10M (even at the bottom of
solar cycle)
We need to encourage new folks and new licensee privileges to be
welcome in
Amateur Radio. Your post doesn't help a bit.
CL -- An old time 20WPM Extra Class