Antenna to cover AM broadcast to 999 mhz?
The idea is that I want to receive AM and shortwave broadcasts
probably using one antenna. Then, I need to be able to receive 144 mhz
and 440mhz in any direction including straight up for satellites, I am
talking about FM here plus the aviation band in AM. I also want to
receive some frequencies around 800mhz also omnidirectional. I will be
using all of these receive frequencies with an Icom IC-91A. I will
transmit on 144 and 440mhz FM using a Kenwood TM-G707A and a suitable
antenna depending if I want to access a repeater or a satellite. For
that, I have a dual band coaxial type of antenna and I will build
myself a couple of turnstile types for the FM satellites. I just
wanted to minimize the number of antennas I really need.
73 de VE2CJW