Boycott ARRL/QST advertisers
Carl H. wrote:
The planned special event operation this weekend by the American
Radio relay League to celebrate the "end of Morse code" is insulting
and indicates the organization's desire to divide the amateur
community. As such we are calling for amateurs worldwide to boycott
ALL PRODUCTS advertised in QST and email the manufacturers that you
are doing so and why you are doing so.
Carl, did you actually -read- what the ARRL said? Listed below is a
direct quote from their web site...
Amateur Radio Enters a New Era (Feb 23, 2007) -- A new Amateur Radio
Service regime now is in place. The requirement to demonstrate Morse
code proficiency to gain HF privileges officially disappeared from
the FCC's Part 97 rules today at 12:01 AM Eastern Time. At the same
time, some 200,000 Technician licensees without Morse code exam
credit acquired HF privileges equivalent to those available to Novice
licensees. The League is marking the occasion with a W1AW special
event aimed at welcoming newcomers to the HF bands.
1) I don't see the word 'celebrate' anywhere; however, they *are*
"welcoming newcomers to the HF bands". That doesn't seem too unreasonable.
The ARRL is just accepting the reality of
the situation--the new *FCC* (not ARRL) rules.
2) If due to *FCC* action (beyond the control of
the ARRL), the only new hams coming in to the hobby are going to be
no-code hams, why shouldn't the ARRL welcome them? Should anybody new
that wants to be a ham be shunned by the ARRL because of an *FCC* rule?
3) Read point two above again. This was an *FCC action*, beyond the
control of the ARRL; the ARRL can either welcome the newbies or put
their tail between their legs and slink off into the night...
Unfortunately, if they did do that, I don't know of any organization
ready to take the ARRL's place--do you?
4) Why boycott the QST advertisers because of an *FCC* rule change?
Maybe your time would be better spent boycotting the FCC.
Sorry 'Carl without a Call', you're way off the beam on this one.
Carter, K8VT
20 wpm Extra
Proud ARRL member since 1959
P.S. For years, people bitched that the ARRL was run by a bunch of
pro-code geezers; now you say the ARRL is 'celebrating' the end of CW.
Sorry, you can't have it both ways...