Selecting a CB Radio
On Feb 25, 9:37 pm, "RedPenguin" wrote:
When you select a CB radio, is there any thing you should be looking
out for? I know that some people just chat with CBs that are not
businesses. Can any CB radio really do, or do you need something
special? I am just getting into CB radio, I am not an expert, so I do
not want to pay $500 for a radio, that I may not use much, because
there is barely to no CB activity where I live, I would have to
travel. Do they make portable CB radios?
Is the MIDLAND 75-785 7-Watt/40-Channel Portable CB Radio a good one?
When I searched for portables, I found this one on tons of websites.
Also, it's one of the easiest for me to get.