tuner - feedline - antenna question ?
"Jeff" wrote in
To get the power delivered to the load, you must subtract
reflected power from forward power. In your case that seems
to be:
Pfwd - Pref = Pload = ~Psource
200w - 100w = 100w = ~100w
How can that be? If the meter is basically a directional coupler then
the forward power is just that. Subtracting any reflected power will
just give a stupid answer. The only errors will be due to the
directivity of the coupler, which will give a band of uncertainty
which varies with VSWR, and the error due to the accuracy of the
Depends if the meter is before or after the tuner. If the meter is after
the tuner, then the tuner is taking reflected power and adding it to the
transmitter's contribution.
My Bird does not subtract any reflected power to give a forward power
reading!! It can't I need to rotate the slug to read reverse power.
If you put your bird AFTER a tuner on a line that's near 6-to-1, it will
also show twice as much power as the transmitter is putting into the
tuner. Or a bit less if the tuner is not efficient.
Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667