Selecting a CB Radio
Ham radio is probably NOT a good choice for you until you learn a bit
more about radio and electronics. Ham radio requires studying and
tests to gain a license.
CB does not require a license, and you can use it immediately, it is
not at all a waste of time.
CB is a good stepping stone. Not all folks that buy a CB even stay in radio.
If you like it then ham is the next step.
I would suggest a CB that also has SSB, and also a good antenna.
Sideband radios are generally better radios overall. It would help if pointers to
"a good antenna" were posted. How about:
o The bigger the better
o Holes instead of magnets
o Center is better then edges
Ham radio is fine, but its a whole different animal and can't be
compared to CB.
But people are still people and you'll get bad apples in every group.