CW minimizes the carbon footprint of you station
That says it all. CW is green. Hams interested in reducing global warming
will convert to QRP which operates much better under CW. Sure, I have no
problem with those AM 1.5KW power hogs as long as they can spend the money
but even affluent Hams with a conscience will convert to CW QRP to reduce
energy. All hams should be given a carbon ration. Then, those who use tiny
amounts of it on 5W CW QRP can sell their extra credits to allow the new and
old uncoded 20m phone SSB blasters to continue their wasteful ways. Ham
carbon credits could be traded and sold as a commodity at the ARRL site as a
Solar, biodesil, ethanol, human powered generators and other carbon neutral
energy sources would not need to accout for carbon ration questions. FCC
would define an equitable ration for each ham. This might also inspire the
creation of new off grid station power sources which would have several
logistical advantages. How do you like my idea? :-)