Antenna recommendations for160-10 Meters
Hello All,
As a young SWL, I loved reading all the posts & antenna discussions
posted here. I lived in a small, 8'X8' bedroom and dreamed of the time
that I would have some room to really have one, very efficient and
effective antenna/transceiver combination. That time has arrived, I
passed my General exam last Saturday.
I currently live on a 3+ acres at the 2,000+ elevation. It faces North
on a rather precipitous slope.
I have read ON4UN's book, but I am very interested in your thoughts.
First, let me tell you where my interests lay.
I am close to making the purchase of a IC-755DSP; I would very much like
to feed this wonderful transceiver with an equally wonderful, efficient
and durable antenna. I am very interested in working 160 meters, at first.
There are several equally efficient dipoles on the market; Alpha-Delta
DX-EE, WA2Nan's Tru-Talk, Par Electronics End-Fed half wave, Cobra
UltraLite Senior or the G5RV's that are manufactured by both Antennas
& More, as well as HF Antennas.
I've just noticed that Antennas & More produces what they call their
"OmniLoop", which is 560' long.
Each antenna will easily fit on the property, but I was hoping that your
personal experience with one of these could help me finally decide.
Many thanks for taking the time to respond!