Hi Ted,
I wanted to contact you about your Redifon GA481 amplifier but i could not find your mail address so i am responding to this notice. I recently bought a GA481 that i want to use with my Redifon GK203 Exiter (same as you have?) but i don't know the pin-out of the control connector. Can you help me with this? Also, i have the green version (GA481C) and the input is labeled "0.5 Watt", i would have expected 0.1 as the exiter output is only 0.1, what is on your label?
If you are interested, i restored a German Radio Truck filled with all kinds of stuff, i have put some pictures on
Kind Regards,
Willem Noorloos
For those that are interested I selling the following:
Ted Minchin, ZL1MT
RD 1,
Putaruru 2370,
New Zealand.
Phone: (+64) 07 8835716
Telephone, Cellular: 021 550 263
An optimist says that the glass is half full...
A pessimist says that the glass is half empty...
An engineer says that the glass is twice as large as necessary...
===Talk around the World==Amateur Radio===