First post to r.r.a.m results in a response from the automaton.
On Feb 28, 3:01�pm, wrote:
On 28 Feb 2007 12:03:39 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On Feb 27, 10:13?pm, wrote:
On Feb 27, 11:02 pm, John Smith I wrote:
Well, you gotta admit, keep the pervs and potty mouths out is NOT a bad
idea. *ven though we only have one female that can hang with us, Dee,
smut, sick behavior and perversion in mixed company troubles me. *hose
guys over in moderated DON'T have it all wrong.
Robesin might be capable of posting 20 or so legit postings, just
waiting to slide in a zinger.
nd he fully capable posting smut, sick
More lying I see, Morkie.
Perhaps that's why we don't see you on RRAM?
behavio[u]r, and perversion... witness his infamous "eat my excrement"
* * Witness Brian P Burke once again misrepresenting the truth in a
public forum.
where is the lie Steve
The lie is Brian P Burke misrepresenting my real words, Morkie.
Perhaps that's why I haven't seen HIM there, either? Or I missed
Steve, K4YZ