This will really annoy the hams
On 28 Feb 2007 20:06:15 -0800, "------------"
. But I just had to make
fun of the way some of the amateurs are taking the no code testing that
I can use all the Ten Meter Band, but it sure needs more activity. Yeah
I'll bet 28.365, 28.375, 28.385, 28.395, and 28.405 will active, maybe?
The pro-code hams have been arguing that Galaxy radios are perfectly
legal for hams to use on 10 meters, even though they're illegal for
cb'ers to use on 10 meters.
Well, IF that's the case, then a lot of Galaxy radios suddenly became
legal on 10 meters from a bunch of people passing their ham tests
without having to take a code test.
And we all now how those hams LOVE those Galaxy radios.
I don't think they're legal even for hams since they can transmit in
the 11 meter cb band with more powwer than allowed.
But since the old pro-code hams have been arguing that they are
perfectly legal for hams to use.....
Galaxies are horrible on sideband. If I were them, I would stick to AM, and get
something else for sideband.
Vinnie S.