Alright, let's go have some fun!!!
Yeah what do you think of the new Yaesu FT897 Radio?
I got a good deal on the non "D" version, slightly used. I'm just figuring
out all the buttons. Now I need to RTFM and find out what all this stuff does.
I need more wire! Do you make a screwdriver type antenna?
Yesterday I was crusin around and hears a bunch of stations all with
newbie type call signs on 28.390 and 28.410 USB. It sounded almost like
CB for a minute, but stations where making contact and moving off these
frequencies. There where all having a good time. And me without a
microphone on my mobile radio.
I left mine on 28.370 last night while I was talking on 2 meters with an IC-2100
when I heard a CQ. Just need some conditions or more wire...
Looking 4 mobile microphone.
You'll find it in the last place you look!