killing cars with high RF?
It seem to be a issue
to the famous TV serie mythe busters
Seen the amount of respons it seems to be a hot item
i like discusions to learn things and broading my range of vision
also to know people of other backgrounds
can amateurradio blow up cars and/or its equipments ??
the today cars are crammed by electronics,sensors boardcomputers etc
is this equipment BCI free a simple case of BCI may casue a serious accident
by blocking a aboardcomputrer.
who is responsible the cars industry by ignoring the bci problem
or is the transmitting ham
Nelson's question does bci in cars exist ? Yes it does many examples
even trafficligths included
It seems to me that manufactories know the bci problem.often pcb's have
already holes for the needed components who is responsible
The bci problem has a profit too!! I live opposited a snackbar yougsters in
their cars equiped with stereo amp's loadbawlers and their 130dba
bonky bonk music
A 100watts carrier stops that ( not always)
nelson asked what 's the fieldstrongth of RF that effects carequipments
I have heard that a resaerch institute somewhere in SM or OZ has discovered
a strange effect into a TV set sensibillity to bci and tvi was tuned to the
amateurbands by manufactor !!
So the radioamateur had to solve the problem and not the manufactor !
I hope to see your response
73 de Ruud PA0RAB
"KE5MBX" schreef in bericht
What's all this business I hear people talking about blasting people's
car stereos or killing cars altogether with high-power RF? I run 2m,
10m, and 11m in my jeep and I'd like to sort out the fact from the
legend and find out what kind of power I can use without risking
damage to my jeep or cars around me. At what power level is front-end
overload to a nearby radio likely? At what power level is damage
likely, and to what componets?
I am currently using only 50 watts on a 5/8 wave (2m), 25w on a 1/4
wave (10m), legal 4w on a 1/4 wave (11m)
Nelson KE5MBX