PowerSDR, SDRADIO etc - demodulation possible using only I or Q, why?
Thanks for the additions, Len!
wrote in message
Heh, heh, while a concise statement of what it is, the above
is going to be a snow job to those not familiar enough with
more-advanced math.
Many textbooks and professors tell you the "bad news" about a phase difference
and that unwanted cos(theta) term... but they seldom mention that what "I
taketh," "Q giveth," and that you haven't actually lost anything yet -- if you
have both I and Q available -- just because you aren't phase-locked. I
suppose this is because, at that point, most textbooks are still hundreds of
pages away from discussing I-Q methods.
A lot of the texts make quite a mire out of the whole "arbitrary band-limited
signal impressed upon a carrier" bit. I think most people are almost better
off ignoring it initially (it seems to come up within the first few chapters
in many texts!) and then coming back to it once they have a good "feel" for
how phase modulation techniques work.