PVC pipe for spreaders
Instead of using PVC which sometimes get unwieldy either by weight or size,
try finding some WILD growing BAMBOO and paint it with either shellac or
some Marine Varnish. You can extend the lengths by using some short pieces
of PVC with some outdoor glue.
My $00.02 worth.. de Howard W3CQH
wrote in message
I am contemplating making a remotely tuned "X" beam for 40m using
copper weld wire supported on a PVC pipe framework. I need each arm of
the horizontally oriented "X" support framework to be 18ft long. I am
considering telescoping 10ft of 3/4 inch PVC, 2 ft into a 10 ft piece
of 1 inch PVC pipe. When I temporarily do this at the hardware store,
I get a very heavy, very wobbly spreader. I expect I will guy these
spreaders (both vertically and horizontally) with Dacron rope at the
half way point and let the copper weld wire provide the guying for the
spreader tips.
My concern is the flexibility and weight of the PVC. Too flexible is
the concern. I can imagine the spreaders developing wind resonance and
starting a hula dance in the wind. This could become destructive for
the wire and rope.
What are your insights on this idea?
P.S..I don't want to get into the UV degradation issue please.
- Jeff