Power Dividers / Co-Phasing Harness question
If the antennas are to be spaced more than a 1/2 wavelength (free
space), how can I use a 1/4 wavelength of 75 Ohm coax? I guess I would
have to splice in a 1/2 wavelength multiple of 50 Ohm coax between the
75 ohm coax and the T connection to make up the length.
I only need about 500Khz of bandwidth, so this might not be a concern.
But this was another question I was going to raise. Is there anyway to
calculate the bandwidth that I would see from a 1/4 wavelength
matching section? I guess that is a real easy one to test in real life
Thanks for all the responses!
-Scott, WU2X
On Mar 8, 1:28 pm, "Jerry Martes" wrote:
I'd suggest that you
consider only 1/4 wavelength for the 70 ohm transformer in each line from
the 50 ohm Yagis.