Oh yes, what was I thinking. From the antenna feedpoint, I can run two
equal length pieces of 50 ohm coax to the 1/4 wavelength matching
sections into the T connector - as you just said.
But it will be much more convenient for me to just use an entire run
of 75 Ohm coax, but as I said before, now you have me curious about
the effect on bandwidth - I will have a total of 1.75 wavelengths of
75 Ohm coax per leg.
I just saw the above, after having posted my first reply.
That wouldn't be a smart idea. Compared with either of the solutions
that uses only a single quarter-wavelength for the impedance
transformation, running two mismatched legs to 1.75 wavelengths will
increase the rate of change of phase with frequency by a factor of
1.75/0.25 = 7.
In that case, bandwidth might indeed become a problem, and phase
matching a big problem.
73 from Ian GM3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)