Johnson Ranger 1 date of manufacture?
Jon Teske wrote:
The transmitter was just known at the Viking Ranger and the
designation "Ranger I" was an informal one given to the rig after the
Ranger II (which is what Johnson called it) was introduced. Aside from
cosmetics and the paint job and the elimination of 11 meter coverage
when 11 meters became the CB band, I don't think there was much
functional difference between a Ranger I and a Ranger II. There may
have been some circuit changes but I don't know what they might have
The Ranger II added Six meters in place of Eleven. It was introduced at
about the same time as the Class D citizen's band, IIRC about 1964. At
the time, Six meter AM was very popular, since technicians had full
privileges on the band, so six meters was a good "mid life kicker" and
the Ranger II was produced for several more years.
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