QSL-AIR Thiruvananthapuram
dxAce wrote:
bpnjensen wrote:
On Mar 12, 1:36 pm, dxAce wrote:
Received a QSL today from All India Radio Thiruvananthapuram for reception on
October 29 2005, 5010 kHz.
Nice catch - too bad it takes so long to get their attention.
Yeah, I can't figure that out. I received a QSL for AIR Srinagar 4950 (Jammu &
Kashmir) a long time ago for reception on the same date.
I see AIR QSL's reported in the NASWA Journal all the time in just over two months.
Mine, they always take forever.
However, the long wait is over as I was waiting for this, or another one to put me at
10 Indian States or Territories QSL'd for NASWA's Master Subcontinental DXer Award.