The TCS is: a) worth getting going (if you have the interest) and b) it
is a boatanchor, in the truest sense. The aforementioned becomes
especially true if the power supply is one of the several associated
with the original TCS system. As with most boatanchor equipment,
condition is one of the pivotal issues; does it look good? Does it look
very good? Whether or not it actually works, as is, is of secondary
importance. I'd be pleased to make you an offer, but in this case,
shipping would be considerable. I'm sure there are numbers of folks
who'd also be quite interested, too, and would like to know better what
the condition of the gear actually is.
de Jeep/K3HVG
On the air with TCS-13, GRC-19B, GRC-26D, ARC-8, SCR-284, GRC-9Y, and 102E.
Bill wrote:
I have the TCS 12, Transmitter/receiver/Power Supply. have not tested it,
been stored for a number of years. Is it worth going to the trouble of
getting it going or is it a true boat anchor ... or anyone interested it the
system, make me an offer...