I have done what you're speaking of on one of my L4B's. The original
supply is not the best design and does create some noteworthy heat. I
used a Dahl transformer with a full-wave rectifier. I also use
Zener-derived bias voltages. The thing runs cooler and should last a
long time. I didn't care to up-grade the cooling in the amp itself, so
the power levels are about the same, maybe a just a bit more. On the
other hand, my second L4B still is running just fine after re-building
the diode boards and changing to bias over to Zeners. The bleeder
resistor doesn't smell anymore, either. As far as who might do the work
for you, I can't offer you a source.
Fred Cameron wrote:
Has anyone ever replaced the transformer in the power supply with a
heaver transformer?
If so, who could I contact to do that for me?
What would be the advantages?