ebay,,, Never!
In article ,
Bart Bailey wrote:
posted on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 19:42:50 GMT, Telamon wrote: Begin
In article ,
Bart Bailey wrote:
In Message-ID:fUOKh.2896$YD.1908@trnddc06 posted on Sat, 17 Mar 2007
09:53:15 GMT, HFguy wrote: Begin
That's why Macs don't have problems with viruses.
opener spelled backwards = renepo, google it.
Sounds like BS to me.
Apple denies Opener/Renepo is a worm, Trojan, or any type of virus
Added: November 02, 2004
Silicon.com reported Tuesday that Apple denies Renepo/Opener is a worm
or virus.
Although Renepo/Opener can certainly cause damage, Apple is stating in
the strongest terms that: "Opener is not a virus, Trojan horse, or worm.
It does not propagate itself across a network, through email, or over
the web. Opener can only be installed by someone who already has access
to your system and provides proper administrator authentication. Apple
advises users to only install software from vendors and websites that
they know and trust."
Of course this malware does attempt to replicate and spread so it's
difficult to see why it wouldn't be termed both a worm and a virus
since a worm is simply a certain kind of virus according to many
definitions. Posted by: John McCormick Visit John's online answer guide
for serious researchers at Helpdotcom.com.
I don't use a Mac, just remember hearing about this some time back
Yeah, the story is a little over 2 years old. OS10 is no different than
Windows in that there have been a number of security updates over time
as vulnerabilities have been found just not as many.
Ventura, California