HQ-180 for $450?
You can check past prices on Ebay by going to completed sales area.
(You do have to register for Ebay to go to that portion) There you
will see what people are actually willing to pay for this and nearly
every other receiver. This is, of course, the true measure of what
something is worth...the price people are willing to pay.
It does seem a bit high though. I'd say maybe $350 for a decent HQ-180
in working order in clean condition.
W3JT Jon
On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:29:39 -0400, Rick wrote:
Today I saw a Hammarlund HQ-180 (not the "A" model) for $450. This seems
to me to be a bit on the high side of reasonable and I wanted to see what
you all think.
It looks like it's in better than average cosmetic condition, though not
"mint" by any means (looks like a 50-year-old radio that was well taken
care of but is, after all, 50 years old). Inside is a bit dusty but I
didn't see any corrosion.
Unfortunately, where I saw it wasn't anyplace where I could plug it in,
hang a wire off the back, and check it out, but I am arranging with the
owner to be able to do that sometime in the next couple of weeks.
It has the clock (so, I guess that makes it the HQ-180C model).
It has the original owner's manual.
When I go to check it out, what are the main things I should check for,
other than the normal ability to receive across all bands?
If I can borrow a signal generator from somebody and take it with me, what
level of sensitivity should I expect?
What are some of the options for that model of receiver that I should look
for that might make it worth more?
What do you all think of the $450 price, if everything works?