CB History WAS Johnson Ranger 1 date of manufacture. Demise ofHam 11 meters
Robert Bonomi wrote:
"way back when", there was 2nd set of frequenceis, besides the 11m ones
for RC controls. I don't remember at this remove (roughly 30 years) just
where it was. Was not used much, gear was much more expensive.
IIRC, there was some RC at ~49MHz. ISTR some in the 72-76 MHz range as
well, but since aircraft marker beacons operate at 75 MHz, I may be
And yes, there were some ham frequencies where RC operations were allowed.
Hams can use almost any VHF or UHF frequency for RC: in fact, some RC
competitors have obtained ham licenses just to get access to
interference-free channels and thus away from the "clothespin
competition" so often seen at meets.
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