Policy of resistance to HS data xmission, progress, viability ...
On Mar 19, 2:41 pm, John Smith I wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
To shape the future, we need to understand the abilities of the
present. I'd suggest getting out there and working SSTV (ATV on UHF),
To shape the future we need progressive people to deal with it, the old,
the lame, the outdated, the slow, etc. must be moved aside. However,
when it comes to "antique people" they can be quite stubborn and
difficult to move aside! Gentle force must be applied ...
It is more productive if these progressive people understand the
present methodologies and their strengths and weaknesses. The
strengths need to be conserved and the weaknesses eliminated,
hopefully without introducing new weaknesses.
Sometimes those "antique people" have valuable insights. Shoving them
aside could actually be detrimental to the development of new modes.
They are the ones who have the experience to supply information on
what weaknesses may need to be addressed. From a less altruistic
point of view, they may be the ones to have the money to fund the
progressive people.
Dee, N8UZE