Matching a helix antenna
"Jimmie D" wrote in message
Been cleaning out the garage this weekend and came across an old attempt
at build a 432Mhz helix antenna. As I remember I gave up on it because I
was having trouble building the matching section which was a 11/4wl long
fin that attches to the helix as it apprached the feed point. It was
proving difficult for me to fabricate. I was wondering if the fin could
not be attached to the counterpoise instead of the helix, adjusting the
space beteen the fin and the helix to get a match.
Hi Jimmie
AMSAT Journal, November/December 2005, published an article authored by
Clare Fowler, VE3NPC, related to matching axial mode helix antennas.
If you want a 'scanned copy' contact me at your convenience.