Revisiting the Power Explanation
One of the issues discussed in this thread that Owen originated concerned whether or not reflected power
enters the power amp and dissipates as heat in the plates of the amp. Some of the posters apparently are
unable to appreciate that the reflected power does not cause heating of the amp, unless the reflected power
detunes the amp and the amp is left detuned from resonance, which of course is not the correct manner of
operating the amp.
In the last post of the original thread I presented the details of an experiment I performed (one of many
using the same procedure) on a Kenwood TS-830S transceiver that proves how and why reflected power in no way
causes heating of the amp when the amp is properly adjusted in the presence of the reflected power.
Usually, such a presentation as in the last post in that thread evokes a great deal of response, as for
example, Art Unwin's. So I'm somewhat surprised, and a little disappointed that my post has resulted in total
silence. Have my efforts in helping to solve the problem gone for naught?
Walt, W2DU