Pete KE9OA wrote:
Thanks.........I appreciate that! It was your reference to the Bendix T-12B
a few weeks back that allowed me to get my unit up and running. All I need
now is a 600 to 8 ohm matching transformer and I will be all set. That T12
is a pretty cool radio.
I also have a King KR-85 (later version). That unit also works very well.
I just bought the Narco unit tonight from eBay for 38 dollars. The reason I
liked this one is because it appears to have a small S-Meter right below the
main tuning dial drum. It appears that there was more than one iteration of
this radio.
My coolest radio this month was a Lokata SRX. This is a synthesized marine
ADF that covers from 100kHz to 30MHz, and also, the FM band. I am waiting
for an owner's manual from David Searle Electronics so I can figure out all
of the hidden functions. I just like those unusual radios!
Well If you like those radios I have a NARCO 12 channel "Coffee
Grinder". I don't remember the model number and it is my shop attic. I
think it is an ADM 3 or something like that.
But you can have it for postage. If you want I will check the model number.
Bill K7NOM