wrote in message
I recently moved house and am having a problem with some interference
which cuts in in bursts across most of the airband.
Airband being about 150 MHz?
There is no
regularity to it nor can I really work out what is causing it, and I
was hoping someone on here may recognise it or would be able to help
me through try to get rid of it. I've posted two mp3s, in case they
might help, however I can't post an example of this with a
transmission on when it it more noticable:
Interesting. Sounds like a QAM, QPSK, or PSK data
My equipment is a GRE PSR-282 and the interference occurs with my
short telescopic aerial and my loft-mounted discone. In case it helps,
I live about 500m from a TV repeater, which is 12kW and pointing
almost in the opposite direction. The nearest mobile telephone mast is
about 1km away. There is a TV aerial and a satellite dish on the side
of my building but I would have thought any interference from anything
TV would be continuous.
Right. All of those should be continuous.
Maybe the TV repeater also has a control data link?
Would any of these be a factor, and if so do you think an airband
filter might get rid of this? It's definitely something local as I had
no problems at my previous address, and it sounds like it could be a
data pulse. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hmm. I see your receiver is portable. Maybe walk or drive
around the area and see if the signal strength varies.
Maybe try a directional antenna in order to locate the source.