ARRL's "Diamond Terrace" Memorial
Mr: Black:
Your opinion is noted, and given all the consideration
it is due.
Follow-up to a letter I received:
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Diamond Terrace
Thank you kindly for your reply.
A brick terrace (not a walkway or side walk) of this type are used
extensively by many universities and organizations for this purpose and it
is popular with radio amateurs as well.
If my understanding is correct, names will be on bricks which
are to be walked upon. That many people participate in this
latest fad in memorials does not make it a "good" practice.
Millions of people smoke. That does not make smoking "good."
I'm happy to report that, at least in some quarters, this
practice is being rejected and the bricks are being used in
creative, attractive fashions that do not include teenagers
wiping filth off the bottom of their shoes on the name of
your loved-one.
Placing the name of someone we claim to respect under the
unavoidably dirty heel of passing observers simply begs credulity;
I am astonished that anyone finds this acceptable and, frankly,
I think it has it's roots in worshiping the false "heroes" of
Hollywood and their "Walk of Fame." I find it fitting in
case, but not for my Elmer (or my father, or anyone else
I respect). Basing something as meaningful as the memorial you
propose in something as meaningless as Hollywood
defiles the very idea of a memorial.
You folks will, of course, do as you please.
And I'm nobody.
But I'm a nobody who's going to speak out against this
terrible dirty-ing of people we claim to value.
David Stinson AB5S