Question re TL 922 amplifier
On Mar 24, 11:45�am, "bob.martin" wrote:
Dear All,
My kenwood TL922 has developed a strange fault. *When I switch it on (via an
Ameritron Soft Start module) I get a negative reading on the Ig meter
of -50mA and a positive reading of around +100mA on the Ip meter with no key
Keying the amp has no effect and the relay does not energise. *I have
checked the ALC and relay connectors and the coaxial cables
I've tried starting it directly bypassing the soft start box and this has
made no difference. * Obviously I do not leave it on for more than a few
seconds as there is clearly a fault. *I have had the covers off and can see
nothing untoward in terms of burnt components and there is no burning smell
and the fuses don't blow. *Also both valves (3-500zs) light up.
Any suggestions as to what may be up before a trip over to Castle, has
anyone else seen similar