On Mon, 3 May 2004 18:49:55 -0400, "Rob" wrote:
My trusted Amp Supply LK-500ZB got damaged after a lightning strike. I am
looking to replace this HF amp (which used two 3-500Z tubes).
Any recommendations for a new legal limit HF amp?
What about the Amritron amps?
The AL-82 uses two 3-500Z tubes.
The AL-1200 uses a 3CX1200A7.
The AL-1500 uses the 3CX1500A tube.
In 10 years time, which tube will be easiest to get?
Any other manufacturers I should consider?
P.S. Since I do a lot of RTTY and SSTV, I am staying away from the solid
state amps.
Take a look at the Acom. I have the 2000A and run RTTY full power in
contests. My coax gets warmer than the amp :.) It uses the Svetlana
4CX800A tubes, which are reliable, readily available and inexpensive.
If you don't want to spend the big bucks for autotune, etc. look at
the 1000.
Barry W2UP
Note - Remove the X from my e-mail address for direct replies