Suggestions for tube-type general coverge rcvr, not HQ-180
The SX-100 is beautifully built and nice to look at - but it is mechanically
unstable. A friend had one and it changed frequency when he dropped his
pencil - when on 20 meters cw.
For cw and ssb, a crystal controlled front end is a big plus. You have the
same stability on 10 meters as you do on 80.
Here are a few relatively inexpensive receivers which I like:
Drake 2B (you do not have complete coverage - just selcected bands.
However, you can change crystals.
Drake R4. Very good buy. However, you have to add crystals for full
coverage. You can also use an oscillator to replace the crystal.
Hallicrafters SX-117. Again, you need extra crystals - but it is a nice
Racal and Eddystone makes some real tube beauties. Although the early ones
do not use crystal controlled front ends, they are quite stable.
The SP-600 is also a favorite, although no product detector.
For short wave listening, push pull audio is nice. But, that feature does
not mix with product detectors or crystal controlled front end.
Do like others, and buy many receivers.
73, Colin K7FM