For Sale: HEWLETT-PACKARD 331A Distortion Analyzer, Late Model
DESCRIPTION: This is the classic solid state workhorse distortion
analyzer. Covers 5 Hz to 600 Khz. Measures THD down to 0.03%. It also
doubles as a highly accurate AC Voltmeter with voltage and dB scales.
SPECIFICATIONS: Freq Range: 5 Hz to 600 Khz Distortion Range: 0.1 % to
100% Full Scale Residual Distortion: less than -70 dB (0.03%)
Accuracy: +/-3% over 10 Hz to 1 MHz with fundamental input less than
30V to 0.3% THD Fundamental Rejection: Greater tham 80 dB Input
Impedance: 1Mohm +/-5% shunted by 70pF Voltmeter Range: 30uV to 300V
rms full scale (13 ranges) 10 dB per range. Dimensions: 16 3/4" x 5" x
13 1/4"
Rack Mount, late model (gold plated circuit boards, red ring binding
posts, painted logo).
Comes with power cord and copy of manual which
includes operating instructions. Checked and working. 7 day right to
return inspection period. 30 Day repair or replace Warrenty.
+ $20 Shipping in Continetial US
Thanks for looking,
Mike Nowlen