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Old October 29th 03, 10:43 PM
Jim Kelley
Posts: n/a

Reg Edwards wrote:
If you mean the current distribution along the length of the coil was not
uniform but tapering then it is not surprising.

The important thing is by how much did it taper and in what direction? Up
or down?

Please describe clearly the type of instruments used and how you made your

By how much did the current measuring instrument affect the strength of
current flowing, for example by detuning the antenna?

What was the length and diameter of the coil, and the number of turns?

What were the lengths of the antenna above and below the coil?

At what frequencies were the measurement made?

What was the current in amps in the coil wire at the bottom, at the centre
and at the top of the coil?

What does the current distribution in the coil affect, AND BY HOW MUCH?

Gee, Reg. Until now I've always gotten the impression that you already
learned everything there was to know about this stuff. :-)

73, AC6XG