I have a old 2 piece hollow 11 ft surf rod in the shed and need a
mobile antenna and a sand flag on my Jeep Wrangler. I thought I would
be able to do both with the fishing rod. Question 1. How much minimum
wire would I need to load it up on all Hf Freqs (I have a tuner).
Question 2. Could I bottom load it with a coil? It would be connected
to the tuner with RG 58 coax (about 10 ft). Lushy
Regarding Question 2, absolutely! Personally, that's the way I went
with a similar project. I took much pleasure in reading Nylo's website
Also, plenty of information in the handbook, and if you have a recent
copy of the handbook, ( or was it the ARRL Antenna Manual?), the disk
in the back contains a little ARRL program called "mobile.exe" which
would be right up the alley for your project. Good Luck.