Radio-Mart at it again... still
wrote in message
Even keeping though he tries keeping everything as private as
possible, Radio-Mart is getting negative feedbacks worldwide. How long
does this have to go on before his account gets pulled? Venting
Mark S.
I just did some basic math on Martyn aka Radio-Mart and he has 8599
feedbacks in about 7 yrs and if we just average about $200 a sale that means
he sold $1,719,800.00 and devide by seven adds up to 245K a year worth of
radios and most of his radios I think sell between $200-2000 so $200 is low
enough to account for his overhead too and we can probably safely say he
made that??? His alias gottahaveit1995 has bought $41945.61 in radios from
Feb 25th-Mar-20th. My point is why would Ebay want to get rid of a high
roller like that. I wouldn't.