Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 8:55?pm, "
On Mar 27, 8:33 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote:
On Mar 27, 8:18?pm, wrote:
Being married to an alleged woman while lusting after men
is unacceptable, Mark Morgan Bi-Sexualhttp://kb9rqz.blogspot.com
unacceptable to whom? you you are not even a real person just a card
board cut out
one Id like to use for target practice, sadly the law would never
allow that. It would and oes allow me to simply kill under a number of
circumstances, circumstances that I do hope come to pass, as I would
indeed enjoy it
well at least you are coming out the closet as a gay bashing bigot as
opposed to denying that obvious fact about yourself
Well at least you finally admited that your are in fact gay.
Nevertheless, I like gay's just fine, its those screwed up bi-sexuals
like you who are an enigma. "but if you don't like this treatment you
know what you can do"
I tell you what, do you want to really want to have person to person
conflict. Find a place where it is legal, and we can have it out. I
have no problems handling firearms, been shooting almost weekly for
the past 25+ years. So if your really want to prove your valor,
reseach the possibilities, and I will give it serious consideration.