Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 9:09?pm, "
On Mar 27, 9:05 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote:
On Mar 27, 8:55?pm, "
On Mar 27, 8:33 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote:
On Mar 27, 8:18?pm, wrote:
Being married to an alleged woman while lusting after men
is unacceptable, Mark Morgan Bi-Sexualhttp://kb9rqz.blogspot.com
unacceptable to whom? you you are not even a real person just a card
board cut out
one Id like to use for target practice, sadly the law would never
allow that. It would and oes allow me to simply kill under a number of
circumstances, circumstances that I do hope come to pass, as I would
indeed enjoy it
well at least you are coming out the closet as a gay bashing bigot as
opposed to denying that obvious fact about yourself
Well at least you finally admited that your are in fact gay.
No Dloyd stalker and teroist I admit you claim I am gay
Nevertheless, I like gay's just fine,
an obvious lie you post just up the page on google (in other
Newsreader YMMV) that find it it unacactable for me to be involed with
someone you claim is a man
if you truly had no problem with gay youd have no problem with the
alleged she male I married- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I never said I ever had a problem with who you marrried. I even
commited at one time that I thought that she seemed to be a well
adjusted individual, but odd that she ended up with a wacko like you.
She must of been hard up, though her biological clock was ticking
away. BTW its others that call her a she-male, not I, I just said
alleged because you have never clarified with so many posters bringing
it into question.