Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 10:38�pm, wrote:
On 27 Mar 2007 19:22:28 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies"
On Mar 27, 10:03?pm, wrote:
On 27 Mar 2007 19:01:38 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies"
On Mar 27, 9:38?pm, wrote:
would you consider doing a favor and point out what this is at some
point? I am mild curious from an acedemic PoV
Not at this time,
I see 7ith go for it
BTW did anyone disabuse you of the ntion that merely mentioning your
chosen nickname on USENET is not a criminal act
I know that Mark............
then you were lying when you claimed that my mentioning your name was
stalking you in violation of Michigan stalking laws
That is not what I claimed, what I claimed was your continued posting
to my blog implying that you were going to cause me harm, after I had
told you to stop posting is a violation of Michigan law. One of the
parameters of Michigan anti-stalking laws is you have to make it clear
that you have demanded the party to STOP the harrassing behavior. I
have clearly asked you to stop the behavior yet you persisted, in
violation of your own states law.
............., but I believe that the terms that you used in
indicating your intent to carry out my death were excessive.
possiblly but I don't. nor does my friend the sheriff here but
analysing the rresult of various senarios is not an expression of
intent you reading are really poor Dloyd
No, I think your writing skills are also not the best.
and You realy expect any milage out of posting a fake death threat on
your blog?
I did not know it was fake.
did not know? does this mean you NOW know it is fake.
I am willing to take your word.
frankly I am shocked you have not receieved dozens of such emailI have
received at least 40 of them claiming to be from from YOU promising my
death at your hands
I have never e-mailed you. You may find this hard to believe but I do
have standards. As far as your wifes account is concerned I never
hacked into anything, all of the information came up on a routine
search on google, if anything I would be mad at Amazon for not
securing the information if you deemed it so personal.
such things are part and parcel of the stalker that seek to provoke
combat on RRAP for their entertainment
I agree.
a faction that you are either part of or a tool of
I am nethier a part of or a tool, everything I have posted has been on
my own accord in response from what I percieve is attacks/harrassment
by you.
*Someone emailed that to me through
blogger at my gmail account and it appeared to have came from one of
your valid email addresses.
again the question stands do you now accept it as a fraud?
I will have to take your word if you deny sending the email, it is
still in my gmail account.
*As you know there are many forgers on
here, you even have one post on your blog that did not come from me
(the one that said you will never catch me), but there always will be
people who want to inflame a situation if they can.
not sure which you are referring to I do recall clearing a post
perporting to you that I added a further sugesting I belived it likely
a forgery
I also submit you have alose admitted you know there are many forgers
trying to inflame RRAP
Indeed that is one reason I can never acced to your stated demand that
refrain from replying to your posts since if I agreed to such I rather
suspect every one of the RRAP forgers would suddenly be "Dloyd Lavies"
and I could not post any replies at all
I agree, but attacking me at will is something that I will not sustain
for your entertaiment purposes.
another being I often don't look at who is posting but resrict my
comentary to meat of the post
But can you conceed that renaming every thread is not really
accomplishing anything, it only makes the NG hard to read for people
like me who read directly through google, I would never subscribe too
much spam.
thrid of course being Principle as I see it any demand I refrain
excerising my free speech right esp by means of a threat as you is
extrotionate attack on my civil rights
But also under the same principle, I should also have the right to
post without being deluged with boilerplate posts that state "stalking
thread" or woger this or dloyd that.
If you accept the email as fraud I demen that either remove at once,
I will remove the email, if in fact it is fraud but of course I am
maintaining a copy in my email for possible future reference.
No more posting tonight CU