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Old October 30th 03, 12:40 AM
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Default hints for quasi-professional cage antenna anyone?

* Minimum fuss 3-30MHz operation, mostly on 5-15MHz.
* Will use step-dowm RF transformer between antenna and low impedance
* May use autotuner on TX
* Like the wirecage antennas still today seen on many a military

Available on roof:
- 25ft steel structure (like piramid base for power line)
- about 100 feet space in one direction abandoned flue chimney, 100ft away and 10 feet lower than base
of steel structure
- roof covered with alu plates on tar (could be all arc welded
together, perhaps.

THIS LOOKS PRETTY MUCH LIKE A SHIP TO ME cept its' 120ft aboveground.

I want to build a wire cage monopole
- sloping down from steel tower
- using tower as counterpoise
- feedpoint at top of sloper, via stepdown rf transfomrer, grounded to
- coax cable lead, with rf choke coils and surge suppressors.

- what kind of cage antenna?
- how many wires?
- what spreaders, how large?
- ideal wire?

Current plan config:
- length 14 m = 2 x 4m straight sections, + 2 x 3m truncated cubes
- spreaders at 3-7-11 m
- 140 cm dia. spreaders, each made with two waterproofed bamboo
triangles in "star of David" configuration; wire kept parallel at 70cm
distance from each orther.
- material: .8mm copperclad, abt. 90 m (270 ft) total.

Any hints, like more/fewer parallel wires, broader / smaller
spreaders, different materials, dirrerent antenna wire, RF
downtransformer, whatever?
