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Old March 28th 07, 07:35 PM posted to
BDK BDK is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 74
Default Public has almost no access to new police radios

In article ,
In Texas, west Texas that is. Why does a west Texas PD need for such a
system. Since 9-11 Millions has been spent for towns to upgrade to Hi tech
Everyone has gone Terrorist crazy.

"BDK" wrote in message
In article ,
"BDK" wrote in message
In article .com,
Abilene Reporter News

Public has almost no access to new police radios

Is it just me, or does it seem like the author really doesn't quite
understand what they are writing about?

Well it is not totally clear from the article- are they encrypting all
but a
few talkgroups? If that is the case it certainly is one of the more
restrictive public safety radio systems around.

I read it a couple of times and I can't tell if they think digital is
encrypted, or it really is encrypted. would have
the info, if I could figure out what county Abilene is in.


I know where Abilene is, but I can't seem to find the county, and
without the county, radioreference is pretty useless.