On Mar 28, 6:40 pm, "David Eduardo" wrote:
wrote in message
"The FCC Tunes Into HD Radio--And May Turn Off Distant AM"
Yea, Eduardo - he got our emails !
Ready, fire, aim.
You posted the article, which freely shows that the FCC finds HD an
acceptable compromise, without reading the comments. Most say DX (and even
shortwave) is anachronistic and a few wax nostalgic about an era when, as
they admit, there were fewer local stations and vastly fewer media choices.
Thank you for posting. The article shows that there is going to be scant
objection to HD at night on AM.
You forgot a few comments to the articles:
Washington Post:
Slight oversight. In approving 24-hour operation of AM HD radio, the
FCC forgot to rescind the laws of physics.
There will be more than a few AM radio stations who's night-time
signal won't be listenable much beyond their parking lots. I'm talking
about smaller, independently-owned, lower-powered stations that are
not owned by a handful of big broadcasters. Most of the big radio
consolidators are part-owners of this HD radio "technology".
Remember, the digital hash will still bounce off the ionosphere after
sunset, rendering many local signals almost completely unlistenable,
even in HD mode. That sprinkler, shower-like sound or electronic hash
is being touted as "progress".
Posted by: J. Hollander | March 26, 2007 08:38 PM
The FCC has botched the conversion to digital in both radio and TV,
kowtowing to big money instead of the public interest they are
required to by law. We could've had patent-free DAB/DMB (and DVB for
TV) with the latest and greatest compression technology, already
implemented in most of the rest of the developed world, but the FCC
chose to sell both the frequencies and the technologies which should
have been used to the highest bidders instead.
HD Radio is an inferior technology with inferior compression, and
public radio stations (college, indie, religious) will never have the
100k$+ iBiquity charges for the system, on top of the royalties they
charge every year. The FCC didn't even bother to consider FMeXtra,
which costs a small fraction of HD Radio to install and has all of the
same features without any of the excessive royalties.
Just as with the ATSC TV format, we are stuck with another inferior,
expensive, incompatible, and patent-encumbered broadcast system which
benefits the company that invented it at the expense of the public
that owns the airwaves they use.
Posted by: Joe | March 27, 2007 12:51 AM
East Bay Express:
HD Radio is a scheme by BigKorpseorate monopoly broadcasters to take
over public airwaves.
HD cheerleaders make one false claim after another. They claim HD has
CD quality audio. Actual users call it 'seedy quality'. HD brings more
stations via 'streams'. But 'streams' are as this article states,
Almost everyone who buys an HD radio returns it. Why on earth approve
this destruction?
The HD gang hasn't told us about this scam because they want it to be
a done deal with the FCC before they spring the trap.
You see, what HD radio does best is jam. HD's digital noise denies you
the right to hear stations of your choice.
HD radio renders every radio you own obsolete - worthless. That's
right. They just stole your property. Want radio? Then you must buy HD
radio. That's what this grift is about. It's the return of the Company
Want to stop it? The FCC votes on this absurdity next Thursday, 22
March, 2007. E-mail them at
www.fcc.gov. Call them. Call your
representatives. Tell them radiowaves belong to us - not a handful of
corporate thugs who coerced the FCC into stupidity.
Tell the FCC it's time they took a stand and stopped this destruction
of public airwaves.
Your influence counts. Use it.
Dr. Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasota Key, Florida
16 March, 2007
Comment by Dr. Paul Vincent Zecchino - March 16, 2007 @ 05:31AM
Best article yet. At last, the truth about this BigKorpseorate scam
gets out. HD cheerleaders make one false claim after another. CD
quality audio? More like 'seedy'. Range? Short. What's the real
advantage of HD radio? None for us. Everything for the handful of big
monopoly broadcasters pimping it.
It jams. It blocks reception of every station but the Big Boyz. It
makes all your radios obsolete. Want radio? Then you must buy new HD
radio from their Company Store.
The FCC votes on this grift next Thursday, 22 March, 2007. E-mail them
www.fcc.gov. Call them. Call your reps. There is still time to stop
the theft of our airwaves.
Our influence counts. Let's use it.
Dr. Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasota Key, Florida
16 March, 2007
Comment by dr. paul vincent zecchino - March 16, 2007 @ 05:45AM
I have been a broadcast engineer for over 30 years. This system is
probably the biggest waste of time and resources that has ever been
fobbed off onto the public. The coverage is less than half of a good
analog signal, and is interfered with by such things as the vehicle
ignition and even some traffic lights.
Technically it's incredibly flawed. The digital signal is put on the
two adjacent frequencies, so it will interfere with nearby stations,
and interfere with them. On AM, distant skywave will skip in and wreak
havoc. Effective coverage areas on both AM and FM will shrink
considerably, even on the existing analog signals.
I have bought a couple of HD Radios specifically to see how well it
works, and it simply doesn't. Should this be authorized by the FCC,
and a significant number of stations implement it, the radio bands
will simply be awash with digital hiss grinding against itself.
It's really a shame. They dropped the ball big-time with this, and I
hope the public isn't too wounded by it that they simply give up on
radio. For digital radio to be implemented correctly, it really needs
it's own band. Trying to squeeze such incompatible technology together
is a serious mistake.
Comment by Craig Healy - March 16, 2007 @ 08:28AM
IBOC or Iblock as it should more properly be called is an especially
odious malady that may also be inflicted on both night AM and FM radio
stations, it blanks out stations on both sides of it's center
frequency. Take WOR AM 710 for example, tune it on during the day time
on 710 AM, then try 720, and now try 700 AM. What do you hear? A bunch
of hissing white noise covering the two adjacent channels. Can you
imagine what this is going to do to night time reception when these
signals can go 100's sometimes 1000's of miles and any car radio can
pick this up? I live in Ma. where WBZ 1030 hisses up 1020 and 1040.
Maybe I like to listen to KDKA which comes in pretty well here at
night, what am I going to do if the paid and bought FCC decides to
allow night time Iblock? I will just simply have to shut up and not
listen to KDKA anymore. Now what if WBZ and KDKA both decide to use
Iblock and are able to use it at night? You will hear complete noise
in NYC probably from 1010 to 1040 and will hear neither station. Why
are we going to be subjected to this mess? Why don't we the consumer
have any say in this looming debacle?
FM Iblock stations are lucky to be decoded 10 miles from a transmitter
unless the radio has a special outside antenna, then maybe twice the
range, wow! Hey, maybe Iblock will bring back the 50's when every
house had a huge antenna on top. Are we going backwards or forwards?
This supposed technology is doomed before it begins, it will certainly
destroy both FM and AM radio. Are we the people going to let a tiny
group of millionaires try to monopolize and soon destroy radio as we
know it? It is up to us, call or write the FCC and let them know what
you think, yes this new Rube Goldberg scheme stinks and in more ways
than one.
Comment by Robert D Young Jr - March 16, 2007 @ 05:12PM
Word's getting around, cocksucker - the cat is out of the bag !