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Old May 8th 04, 12:30 AM
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VERY generous offer! SOMEONE step up and save this great
old technology from the dump!!

"yyyy" wrote in message
Free, for pickup only. This equipment is located in Berkeley California.

FM 2-way radio Base station.

This equipment can be re-tuned into the 6M ham band.

RCA 70 Watt 30-50 MHz FM base station.

This was removed from commercial service circa late 1960s.
It can be converted for use in the 6M amateur radio band.


70 Watt RCA MI-316008 FM Transmitter. Type: CT-10B


RCA MI-31451 Receiver Type: CR-15A

It is vacuum tube technology.
It is housed in an enclosed rack cabinet.
The transmitter and receiver are on separate panels mounted
on rails in the center of the rack cabinet.

Rack approximate dimensions:
63"H X 22.5"W X 30"D (including front and rear handles).

There are two mA meters on the front panel:
Grid current: 0-20mA,
cathode current: 0-300 mA

The other misc. equipment includes:

1. 4 variacs mounted in a ventilated metal box.
They were probably part of some light dimmer.
(dusty / dirty and in unknown electrical condition)

2. some Antenna insulators.
3. several power transformers.
4. some oil filled capacitors. (probably PCB oil).
5. Some selsyn motor transmitters/receivers. I don't remember the
voltage / frequency spec on these.
6. some small induction motors with fans.
7. some small relays.

Sorry for the vagueness but this equipment is at my fathers house in
and I am in San Jose. We are trying to clear out the house to get ready
to sell it.
If no one is interested I will probably remove the tubes and meters, and
junk the rest.


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Please Contact: (Doug Williams)