BA Receptor "HD" Radio -vice- Sangean HDT-1 "HD" Radio Component Tuner ? ? ?
On Mar 31, 8:18 pm, "David Eduardo" wrote:
"Telamon" wrote in message
In article .com,
The crock is that you can receive HD signal as well as you can receive
the analog signal when the broadcast power is much lower. This is part
of the HD sales pitch to broadcasters that they can save on the power
bill. It is BS of course.
Yes, it is BS. Because there is no intention of ceasing analog broadcasts
anytime soon... as in "the next decade."
And HD actually adds a tiny bit to the power bill, in the form of the added
HD power.
I have never heard anyone pitch that full pure digital will save money, as
in the size market (top 100 markets) the issue of power cost is relatively
minor as an expense.
Not only will the broadcasters not save on
transmitter power but they will have to buy a transmitter with the same
capacity to handle the peak power levels so they will not be able to
save money on buying a smaller transmitter either.
Were 100% digital to be done on AM, there would be considerable savings in
terms of percentage... the digital power will not likely be even half the
analog power, and digital is vastly more efficient than AM transmitters,
especially when you add in things like cooling, size of transmitter
building, etc. Interestingly, in many stations of 5 kw and less, the power
consumption of the tower lights, A/C, the equipment rack, security cams and
system, security lighting, etc., ends up being more than the transmitter
itself. In fact, just the beacons on a 1 kw directional use more power than
the transmitter!
DE - The Reality is that -if- a 1% Digital Signal will cover the
same 10mv/m Contour as the 100% Analog Signal : Radio
Stations will in-time Crank-Up the ERP of the "HD" Digital
Signal and Turn-Down the ERP of the Analog Signal.
Think-About-It : -IF- a 1% Digital Radio Signal will "Cover"
the 'same' 10mv/m Contour as an Analog Radio Signal :
Then at some Point-in-Time Radio Stations will go-up-to
10% Digital and go-down-to 50% Analog.
And 'Each Day' that another "HD" Radio Station goes
On-the-Air-in-Digital they will begin the Top-of-the-Hour
Radio Station ID with the Call Letters, Frequency and
those little words "Now Broadcasting in High Difinition
'HD' All Digital Radio".
Yes - It will take Years but it will occur -and- Yes while
NO Radio Station is turning 'Off' their Analog Signal at
this time -once again- in-time they will.
At some point in time there will be a "Tipping Point" where
there are More {Good} Under-Age-35 "HD" Radio Listeners
then {Bad} Over-Age-50 Analog Radio Listeners -and- Then
100% All Digital will start becoming the Norm in FM Radio
As for AM/MW Radio Broadcasting it may be 25 Years before
the 'last-and-only'' Analog AM/MW Broadcaster goes Off-the-Air.
da da digital digital - i want to hear digital !
-doh- i want me a digital 'hd' radio ~ RHF