TCS power connector
A friend is looking for the power connectors for the WW2 TCS receiver.
Anyone got some in their junk box?
Wm Perry Co. has them, normally, for about $22-$25, each.
WOW! Maybe I oughta offer to sell (some of) mine! I have:
3 original boxes (of 2 each, NOS) of the 12-pin connectors,
1 loose one,
1 each on my 2 TCS-13 receivers, and
1 on my power supply!
I also have :
3 original boxes (of 2 each, NOS) of the 16-pin connectors,
1 loose one, plus
1 each on my 2 TCS-13 transmitters,
1 on my power supply!
At a nominal $20 per NOS and, say, $10 per non-NOS ones, I could
buy a (used) non-boatanchor rig and lightening my operating table
by 200+ pounds! And my junque box wouldn't be so full, either.
But what if I wanted to use some of my (NOS) boxes of TCS cables?
Nah, I'd better keep them; s/he who dies with the most toys wins!
--Myron A. Calhoun; W0PBV
Five boxes preserve our freedoms: soap, ballot, witness, jury, and cartridge
NRA Life Member & Certified Instructor for Rifle, Pistol, & Home Firearm Safety
Also Certified Instructor for the Kansas Concealed-Carry Handgun (CCH) license