Bendix T12B, T12C
Pete KE9OA wrote:
I am not sure where the AGC line is in this radio...............I ordered
the service manual for this radio from ESSO last Friday.
That is the key. If you don't have it, you can work back from the S-meter
and trace it, but the manual will make your life much better.
The S-Meter is functioning, but still, I realize that this doesn't tell the
whole story. I am expecting to see a shorted AGC timing capacitor.
Maybe, but again the S-meter should be after the time constants of the
AGC circuit. But at least you know something good is coming out of the
Once I get the schematic, it will be a little bit easier to muddle through
the circuit. For the time being, I am stuck.
Put it on the shelf until the manual arrives. If you fix it now, when
you get the manual you'll hit yourself on the head and wish you had waited
for the manual to arrive because it would have been so much easier.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."