Bendix T12B, T12C
Pete KE9OA wrote:
I did receive the manual today. This receiver uses an AGC diode in each of
the I.F. amplifiers, similar to the way that it was done in the Collins
651S-1. No wonder this rig has such a good dynamic range.
And if any one of those stages fails, the system will still work with only
slightly degraded AGC, unless somehow one of those diodes fails into a short
and pulls down the AGC line. This is something fairly easy to try.
It looks like there is a 2.2uF electrolytic cap that acts as a low-pass
filter after the AGC rectifier.
Where is the meter there? If the cap fails into a short, will the meter
still work? If so, it's not that cap.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."